New Focus On Parking For Bicycles In Eastbourne!

There is a new impetus for cycle parking in Eastbourne. Abby McNally, aged 12, of Bespoke Cycle Group, spoke at Eastbourne Borough Council and won unanimous support for her suggestion that cycle parking should get more consideration. Abby said: “If there is no cycle parking, its one of the reasons people don’t cycle. And the cost of petrol is very high. Many people can’t afford cars, especially young people. Planning for parking should include spaces for bikes as well as cars. The whole economy relies on someone getting somewhere and doing something.”

Bespoke have launched “cycle parking standards” showing that cycle parking can be installed very cheaply outside businesses and shops and this improves business. The best type of parking for visitors and customers are hoops or “Sheffield stands” which can have any part of the bike locked to it. See Bespoke Cycle Parking Guidance

East Sussex County Council have been updating their guidance on planning for parking. For cycling, this currently focuses on what employees might want (covered, secure stands, with storage, lockers and perhaps showers). Abby McNally and Bespoke hope that shops and businesses might focus on “cheap and cheerful” cycle parking hoops at the front of the building to help shoppers, visitors and customers to consider cycling for short journeys. This would improve people’s health, help the economy and reduce congestion. Please, shopkeepers visit: Bespoke Cycle Parking Guidance/ to see what you can do!

Notes to editors:

  • Bespoke Cycle Group started in 2008 aimed at getting more people to cycle safely in Eastbourne.
  • Bespoke is a non-political voluntary group, which is free to join.
  • Bespoke’s website is
  • Cycling regularly is known to reduce the risks of developing dementia, stroke, heart disease, hip fractures, lung diseases, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and other common diseases by 30 – 80% each. (see
