New Cycle Map For Eastbourne

Bespoke and the Community Environment Partnership for Eastbourne ( CEPE) have produced an updated cycle map of the Eastbourne area. The original idea was to identify routes that were pleasant to cycle along and if used regularly could become natural corridors for bikes. The town could of course do with more cycle lanes but even now many journeys can easily be made on two wheels as Eastbourne is flat and not that large. For many journeys cycling is quicker than driving and parking is free.

The original map was very popular and it is expected the new version will also be in high demand. The new map uses colour blind friendly colours and has extra routes including the National Cycle Routes 2 and 21.

The map is available at the Tourist Information Office, Cycle shops within the town, and can be downloaded from and

Stephen Lloyd MP for Eastbourne and Willingdon said, “The new Eastbourne cycle map, that Bespoke have produced, is absolutely fantastic. Get on your bike and pick one up quick!”

Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Leisure and Sports Services, Councillor Carolyn Heaps said “We are delighted to work with Bespoke once again on this handy cycling map. With more cycling events than ever before and a range of hotels now offering cycle hire facilities, Eastbourne is fast becoming a popular destination for those seeking a more active holiday. This map is perfect for visitors and residents alike, to get outdoors and really enjoy the health benefits of cycling around our beautiful town and stunning countryside.”

Dorian Drake from Black Bikes said – “I thank Bespoke for not only promoting cycling with these maps but supporting local business and the community.”


Download the Eastbourne Cycle Map (PDF) – 2012 edition

2014 edition temporarily removed.


A few paths around Sovereign Harbour in the 2014 map are currently in dispute. We have temporarily agreed to remove the current edition of the map while East Sussex County Council as the highways authority clarifies access rights. In the meantime, please use the slightly older 2012 version of the map.
