New Advanced Stop Lines In Eastbourne

Advanced Stop Line (ASL)

New Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs) for cyclists have been installed in Eastbourne at the junction of The Avenue and Upperton Road.

The advantages of ASLs are

  • Placing of cyclists in a safer and more visible location ahead of waiting traffic.
  • Allowing cyclists to wait in an area away from the worst exhaust fumes.
  • Allowing cyclists to better position themselves, especially if turning right.
  • Allowing cyclists to bypass queuing traffic
  • Making pedestrian crossings safer by moving the queue of waiting vehicles further away from the crossing.
  • Where the road is uphill, allowing cyclists a better chance to begin pedalling.
Advanced Stop Line at the junction of The Avenue and Upperton Road in Eastbourne

Advanced Stop Line at the junction of The Avenue and Upperton Road in Eastbourne

Bespoke’s View

Bespoke’s position is that ASLs should be encouraged at busy junctions, and we would like to see more rolled out.

Around 75% of accidents on the road involving cyclists happen near junctions and ASLs can help reduce these.

There is a concern that the ASLs that have been put in place here are missing a feeder lane, making it harder for cyclists to pass waiting traffic and reach the reservoir at the front.

Bespoke would like to see all ASLs include at least one feeder lane in their design.

Further information
