Eastbourne Borough Council published the formal notice to amend the seafront byelaw last week.
If confirmed by DCLG, this will allow parts of Eastbourne promenade to permit cycling. Current plans include one level of promenade between The Pier and The Wish Tower. The other part would be from the Healy Shelter near the Redoubt to Fisherman’s Green.
The ad asks for objections to the change. Bespoke has now received confirmation from DCLG that messages of support are also welcome. We now really need those who support cycling on Eastbourne seafront to act.
How to support seafront cycling
If you wish to support the change to the seafront byelaw, please write to.
Byelaws Team, Department for Communities and Local Government, Zone 3/J1, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU
Or email: byelaws@communities.gsi.gov.uk
This represents a once in a generation chance to change Eastbourne’s byelaws, and allow the implementation of a safe cycling route along part of Eastbourne’s beautiful seafront.
What is the change?
The change to the seafront byelaw itself is very minor. It adds the words “or a designated route” to the part that allows or bans cycling – section 2(1).
No person shall, without reasonable excuse, ride or drive a cycle, motor cycle, motor vehicle or any other mechanically propelled vehicle on the promenade, or bring or cause to be brought onto the promenade a motor cycle, motor vehicle, trailer or any other mechanically propelled vehicle (other than a cycle), except on any part of the promenade where there is a right of way or a designated route for that class of vehicle or in the pursuance of a statutory provision or lawful agreement with the Council.
The definition of “designated” is as follows.
“Designated” in relation to a route or area means set aside for a specific purpose. the route or area and the purpose to be indicated by notices place in a conspicuous position.