Egrets Way – Success

Egrets Way - Ouse Valley Cycle Network

The following is an update from our friends at Cycle Seahaven.

After 217 letters of objection were received the application to allow commercial vehicles on the Lewes end of Egrets way has been refused by planners. This is great news for people looking to walk, cycle or to ride disability scooters from the Stanley Turner Ground into Lewes.

The decision letter states:

The proposal would result in an unacceptable level of increased vehicular movements to and from the Stanley Turner Recreation Ground along the proposed route to Rise Farm and would be prejudicial to conditions of safety causing a conflict between vehicles and non-motorised users including pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians. This would be contrary to policy ST3 of the Lewes District Local Plan, Policies SD18 and SD19 of the South Downs National Park Local Plan (Preferred Options), Policies 28 and 37 of the South Downs National Park Management Plan, and general provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to object to the proposal. Egrets Way is still being constructed and we are looking forward to completion of a flat and safe route between Newhaven and Lewes.
