East Sussex County Council successfully bid for funding for pop-up cycling/walking facilities, including a cycle lane along the seafront instead of car parking on the sea-wall side. There is an ORCHESTRATED CAMPAIGN from a few people/organisations objecting to ANY cycle lane on the seafront. If no work starts, the money GOES BACK TO GOVERNMENT. Please write to your Councillor and ESCC and say why you personally want a pop-up cycle lane.
Dear …
I am emailing to give my full support to a pop-up cycle lane along the sea-wall side of Eastbourne seafront, in place of car parking. I also support creation of other cycle paths throughout Eastbourne.
Then add something personal…
This is needed for people’s health and converting a few car trips to cycling would reduce congestion and pollution.
cllr.claire.dowling@eastsussex.gov.uk – Lead Member for Transport and Environment, ESCC and the main decision maker
james.vaks@eastsussexhighways.com – Highways road design specialist
Jon.Wheeler@eastsussex.gov.uk – ESCC transport manager
Andrew.Keer@eastsussex.gov.uk – ESCC transport and roads planner
Lisa.Rawlinson@lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk – Senior adviser at EBC
Caroline Ansell MP caroline@carolineansell.co.uk
David Tutt – EBC Leader Councillor.Tutt@eastbourne.gov.uk
Margaret Bannister – Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Tourism Councillor.Bannister@eastbourne.gov.uk
Steve Wallis – Mayor and Devonshire Ward Councillor Councillor.Wallis@eastbourne.gov.uk –
Robert Smart – Leader of the Conservative Group of Councillors Councillor.Smart@eastbourne.gov.uk
Remember to include your name and address in any email or letter you send.
Eastbourne Borough Council have committed and are working together with many local campaign groups towards our town being carbon neutral by 2030. We cannot let this targeted campaign obliterate our opportunity to make a real difference!