ACT NOW! Cycling is about to be banned from Eastbourne Town Centre

Terminus Road Eastbourne pedestrian and cycle zone

YOU NEED TO ACT NOW! Cycling is about to be BANNED from Eastbourne town centre. This will push cyclists onto dangerous roads. Your response matters. The public consultation closes 20th November 2022.

If you only have one minute:

Please email: Say you do not want cycling to be forbidden on Terminus Road. Say where you live/work in Eastbourne (it needs your name and postcode to be a valid response), and say why you oppose the ban. For example, add free text saying “This will stop people cycling”, or “this will make it more dangerous for people to cycle across Eastbourne”, or “you must allow two-way cycling when motor traffic is removed from Terminus Road”, or ANYTHING.

If you have 5 minutes:

Go to the ESCC survey: . Write “Strongly disagree” to everything (except bus routes, roundabouts, or one-ways where you can have any view or neutral). Add free text saying ideas as above.

If you have 20 minutes:

Go to: and answer each question as we suggested in our objection to the cycle ban.

Please act now!

At the moment the plans are for consultation so this is our opportunity to influence the decision and ensure that cycle access to our town centre is maintained.
