Clean-up with Felicity!

Do you have an occasional hour to spare to help us clean up Eastbourne’s neglected cycle routes? Despite Eastbourne cycle group Bespoke frequently notifying East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and Eastbourne Borough Council of overgrown paths and rubbish, our precious shared cycle paths have suffered with overgrown vegetation leaving only a foot in places and discarded rubbish, often to the point where they have become hazardous for cyclists and pedestrians alike. 
Some heroic community members have spent much of their spare time making a difference in some key sections along with members of Bespoke but we need more regular help.

We plan to make a monthly visit to clean up another section, and hopefully, by doing a good job we can keep our paths safe for all, shaming litter tossers to take it home or use bins and ESCC into taking responsibility for maintaining the paths free from glass, litter and vegetation  Litter not only looks awful, with plastic particulate polluting soil and waterways but it can also kill wildlife. Our shared use walking/cycle paths are nature corridors. Glass maims the paws of dogs as well as foxes. I found two dead little Forest mice that had climbed into a crisp packet for warmth. Then it rained and they couldn’t get out. They drowned. So we are sparing life as well as restoring a beautiful nature path for all.

Will you join Felicity from Bespoke at the next session to clean up along the Edward Road section of National Cycle Route 21 on Saturday 25th February at 2 pm?

Location: Meet outside Bannatyne Health Club, Edward Road, Eastbourne, BN23 8AS
Suggested Tools: Strong bin liners, litter picker or rubber gloves, Secateurs – hand and long handled.
