Guidance for completing the 2021 ESCC consultation for 5 cycle routes in Eastbourne
Bespoke’s concerns with the 2021 Eastbourne cycle route plans by ESCC. Continue Reading
Bespoke’s concerns with the 2021 Eastbourne cycle route plans by ESCC. Continue Reading
Please get involved in the two consultations and support a traffic-free route along the A27 from Polegate to Lewes. Your view is important as there is not sufficient funding for everything. There are numerous benefits for pedestrians and cyclists, and… Continue Reading
The following letter is currently being distributed to residents along the route of the Horsey Cycleway, Section 1, but East Sussex County Council. It details the new proposed route from Eastbourne Railway Station to Ringwood Road, where it joins the… Continue Reading
Bespoke welcome the opportunity to comment on the proposed cycle routes within Eastbourne. We want to encourage cycling and we accept that improvements to cycle infrastructure are an endorsement, by the Council, of this aim. Before we comment on each… Continue Reading