Guidance for completing the 2021 ESCC consultation for 5 cycle routes in Eastbourne
Bespoke’s concerns with the 2021 Eastbourne cycle route plans by ESCC. Continue Reading
Bespoke’s concerns with the 2021 Eastbourne cycle route plans by ESCC. Continue Reading
With the increasing domination of cars, caused partly by the new housing estates in Eastbourne and South Wealden ,there is no transport model from the authorities that suggests anything but worse congestion. The time has now come for a modal… Continue Reading
East Sussex County Council approved the extension of the Horsey Cycleway last week. The extension will run from the existing path at Birch Road to the Langney Roundabout. There will also be a spur to Seaside and Tollgate School. The… Continue Reading
On Wednesday 18th May, the proposed extension to the Horsey Cycleway was discussed at East Sussex County Council’s Planning Committee (EB/3304/CC). This route would provide a new Toucan Crossing on Lottbridge Drove, and a 3 metre wide shared cyclepath /… Continue Reading
Bespoke asked a 10 year old for 2 good things and 2 bad things about cycling in Eastbourne. Watch the video she made for an insight into what Eastbourne’s children think of the cycling facilities provided. A child’s perspective is… Continue Reading
This week’s Eastbourne Gazette has a couple of cycling related letters. Regular writer R Edwards of Old Camp Road returns, and asks us to address the consequences of cycling along the seafront. 5 questions about a legal framework are asked.… Continue Reading
The following letter is currently being distributed to residents along the route of the Horsey Cycleway, Section 1, but East Sussex County Council. It details the new proposed route from Eastbourne Railway Station to Ringwood Road, where it joins the… Continue Reading
Bespoke welcome the opportunity to comment on the proposed cycle routes within Eastbourne. We want to encourage cycling and we accept that improvements to cycle infrastructure are an endorsement, by the Council, of this aim. Before we comment on each… Continue Reading