ACT NOW! Cycling is about to be banned from Eastbourne Town Centre
We need you to take action NOW to protect cycle access to Eastbourne town centre. We have ways for you help if you 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 20 minutes. Continue Reading
We need you to take action NOW to protect cycle access to Eastbourne town centre. We have ways for you help if you 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 20 minutes. Continue Reading
New proposals from East Sussex County Council again threaten to remove cycle access to the town centre. As a group we have serious concerns and we have listed our answers to the current public consultation below so others can use… Continue Reading
An easy-going, family-friendly bike ride around Eastbourne Bespoke is organising Eastbourne’s first Kidical Mass on Saturday 15th October. It’s part of a world-wide movement – where kids and adults of all ages ride together on bicycles & scooters through the… Continue Reading
Professor Scarlett McNally has recorded a short video explaining why the proposed Eastbourne town centre cycle ban is wrong.
We need your help to stop the proposed cycle ban in Eastbourne Town Centre. Please write to ESCC, we’ve even setup some example emails to help you. Continue Reading
A proposed Traffic Regulation Order will remove cycle access from the existing pedestrian and cycle zone in Eastbourne Town Centre while retaining access for motor vehicles. We are officially objecting this and we outline our reasons in this post. Continue Reading
As you may be aware, the Environment Agency are currently in public consultation over the £100 million flood defence project along our coast. This is in direct response to the climate emergency but as yet no consideration has been given to incorporate cycle infrastructure in the project. Continue Reading
Bespoke take Eastbourne councillors on cycle ride to highlight the shortcomings of 4 new proposed cycle routes. Continue Reading
Bespoke’s concerns with the 2021 Eastbourne cycle route plans by ESCC. Continue Reading
The Bespoke Cycle Group have sent the following to Agya Kwarteng at Jacobs who are currently working on the Eastbourne Town Centre redevelopment. There is currently a proposal to ban all cycling at all times in the town centre, while… Continue Reading